Bridging structural holes

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Connecting the Gaps

We produce social business programs, initiatives and strategies that connect people with powerful life altering narratives. Our story begins and ends with people. Structural Holes are the gaps that exist between people, groups, opportunities and communities in a society.



These gaps, are results that have been created and worsened by the economic inequality that exist in many communities throughout the world. The infrastructure and inaccessibility for Higher Education, Employment, housing, and Healthcare all have their genesis rooted in the Structural Holes that exist in our society today.



Bridging these Structural Holes are the challenge that we as a New York based non-profit have decided to embrace. Creating these Bridges and connecting the gaps will enable those socially and economically disadvantaged groups to open new doors that connect them with opportunities to change their trajectory in life. Find a Hole; build a Bridge…create solutions.



Darryl K. Roberts

Somewhere back in college I read: “Why dwell on the problems.” Instead focus on developing solutions that eradicate the problems. Big problems dominate our society, so why not take on the big problems. So that’s what we decided to do.  It’s amazing how liberating the thought of tackling big urban problems feels. 


Bridging Structural Holes’ plan is simple: create strategies with corporate, community and philanthropic partners to eradicate some big urban problems: Workforce Development, Affordable Housing, College Preparation and STEM Education in our middling school systems. Focusing on these few issues will enable us to leverage our funding efforts and create a myriad of new narratives. In each project we underwrite, we’ll invest in disruptive concepts that inspire change: retraining of the Workforce for Technology jobs, availability of low cost early College Prep testing, STEM readiness programs through community based Technology Hubs. Will all our programs work? Will all our programs succeed? Probably not. 


An essential ingredient in our philanthropic, humanitarian and charitable efforts lie in making decisions that have huge win/lose outcomes. We’re betting on the wins. As the wins dominate our balance sheet we’ll sharpen our #2 pencils and increase our scope to unprecedented levels. We’re brimming with confidence. We feel by developing programs, initiatives and strategies with our partners – we can connect people with powerful new narratives that will enable them to live more productive lives. No problem!! 


Contact us

Owner: Darryl K. Roberts
Phone: 212-658-1913